Saturday, December 15, 2012

Marketing 101: 5 Direct Marketing Tips

Marketing is one of the most complex aspects of any business and getting it right can be tricky. Direct marketing is one of a host of marketing tools that can be very effective if done well but this is often easier said than done. So here are some direct marketing tips to help you get your direct marketing campaign on track.

Tip 1 Decide who you are going to target and which media you are going to use

Knowing who your ideal customer is means you can target your campaign well. It is also extremely important to decide early on whether your campaign is going to be by direct mail, telephone, newspaper or magazine ad?

Marketing 101: 5 Direct Marketing Tips

Tip 2 Always do a test campaign

Seasoned marketers advise that a test campaign is a must whether you are just starting out or have done a number of direct marketing campaigns before. This is one of the lesser known direct marketing tips. A test campaign helps you minimize risk but most importantly since you will be keeping records of what you do and the responses you receive it will provide valuable information about your customers allowing you to build a database and fine tune your campaign to generate high responses and get maximum conversions.

Tip 3 Develop benchmarks

Ascertain what the usual response and conversion rates are for the media you are going to use for your direct marketing campaign as they can range from 5% to 40 or 50%. This piece of research can help you make realistic projections and prepare yourself mentally and financially should you not get the amount of responses you wanted. The aim here is to minimize failure. Proper preparation means your campaign may be better than average and may beat the odds.

Tip 4 Be civil and polite

Whether your campaign is in writing or via telephone always be civil and polite to your potential customers. Being rude and offensive, mispronouncing names or spelling them wrong can alienate customers.

Tip 5 Make sure your customers know they are valued

If you're operating from a list of clients who have purchased products or services from you before little things like birthday or holiday greetings and special discounts go a long way to letting them know they a valued and can increase the likelihood that they would purchase from you again. They are also more likely to recommend your business to their friends or relatives who may be looking for similar products or services.

If you're operating with a brand new list or cold calling a free gift for responding or placing an order can make a difference between success and failure. This goodwill gesture need not be expensive but it can set you apart from your competitors, after all everyone loves receiving gifts and feeling valued.

This is one of the best direct marketing tips that you can incorporate into your campaign strategy and one that could increase response rates considerably and give you maximum conversions for your efforts.

Marketing 101: 5 Direct Marketing Tips
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