Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Thank You Note Examples - How to Grow Your Business With Relationship Marketing

Thank You Note Examples that will Explode your Business Growth

Thank you note examples could be the secret sauce to your business growth. Thank you notes are the most enduring form of gratitude. They're still the #1 source of referrals, loyal customers, & business growth.

Here are 3 thank you note ideas that will drive your business to new heights this year.

Thank You Note Examples - How to Grow Your Business With Relationship Marketing

The Recency Thank You Note Example:

How recently did the given customer purchase from you?

The funny thing about recency is that you can and should use thank you notes to motivate both extremes.

You'll want to thank your most recent customers for joining the fold. In as personal and sincere of language as you can muster. Personal, informal, heartfelt language cuts through all the advertising noise of every day business life.

You'll also want to send thank you notes to the customers who have least recently ordered from you as well! This thank you note will serve to remind that distant customer of why they were happy to choose you in the first place. And that you still remember and appreciate their selection of your services.

Such simple and refreshing thank you notes will keep you top-of-mind, and bring customers back for more, sooner rather than later.

The Frequency Thank You Note Example:

You'll want to also acknowledge the customers that come back most regularly. These folks probably don't need prompting - they're already patronizing you more than anyone else! But all the more reason why they should be acknowledged and thanked.

This thank you note would focus on the pleasure you have in serving them regularly. And perhaps also ask questions about how you can serve more effectively. That way, you get better before they NEED you to get better.

You keep the relationship fresh by over-delivering on value.

The Monetary Thank You Note Example:

By now you have probably realized that I'm using the RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) method of evaluating customer behavior.

In monetary, you want to send a thank you note to the customers who have spent the MOST with your business. Be they recent customers or not... be they frequent customers or not. These are the customers that will have the lion's share of impact on the continuity of your business. If they become recent and frequent customers - your business explodes overnight. If they go the other way - placing infrequent orders, you will have a much less predictable income stream.

Thank these businesses then, who have entrusted you with their hard-earned cash.

Gratitude Sells.

In a world where there is almost infinite choice for consumers, relationships matter. Human connections matter. And as such, the simple act of writing a thank you note, is immeasurably valuable. Some call it Relationship Marketing. Others even use the term Appreciation Marketing.

Regardless of what you call the act of writing thank you notes in your business, I can guarantee that it will transform your business. Imagine if people at every level of your company were empowered to write thank you notes, and to share thank you note examples?

Whether driven from the top-down, or bottom-up of your company, the act of writing thank you notes, and sharing thank you note examples, will have an immediate impact on your standing in the industry.

An important caveat is that you should give for giving's sake. That is - while this can be used to increase customer loyalty and customer retention, any giving that is primarily motivated by what you'll get out of it will ring hollow.

So be a happy giver.

Give a thank you note a day. Share thank you note examples.
It will change the way you see your customers (they're more than just names and numbers).

And as a side benefit, your business growth will explode.

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More on Relationship Marketing

Discover my #1 secret business weapon for Building Customer Loyalty [http://www.rat-race-escape-artists.com/customer-loyalty-concepts.html].

Demystify the writing and designing of effective thank you notes [http://www.rat-race-escape-artists.com/thank-you-note-examples.html] in a business setting.

Bolaji Oyejide

Friday, December 21, 2012

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - One Tool the Marketing Toolkit

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; it's old hat for a marketer, right? After 65 years what can possibly be new for today's sophisticated, internet-based marketer? Plenty. The Hierarchy of Needs deals with human needs and can still be a useful tool in a sophisticated marketer's toolbox. As a refresher, the basic needs are:
physiological safety love esteem self-actualization

Comprehending Maslow is more intricate than quickly glancing at a chart of the basic needs. Unfortunately, that is about all of us receive in most marketing books -- if they mention the man at all. A well-developed marketer will gain a more sophisticated understanding from a thorough reading of the original article.

In studying Maslow, one finds he never claims to have authored a theory that answers all aspects about human motivation. It is not an "end-all, be-all" as to what motivates us. Yet the Hierarchy adds an additional perspective one can reference when creating an ad campaign. I find Maslow to be one tool among the many I use when seeking to deliver maximum value to a client. When I fix something at home, I often use a hammer, a drill and sometimes several wrenches. I could attempt to repair every broken door or appliance with a pair of pliers, but that's not very efficient and usually I end up marring a surface or stripping the head of a bolt or screw.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - One Tool the Marketing Toolkit

In a similar way, if I am building a promotion for a client I may combine my understanding of the Hierarchy of Needs with Campbell's explanation of the Hero's Journey, and the Ries and Trout Positioning ideas. I might well consider a half-dozen other psychological and marketing theories, depending on the extent of the campaign and the time allotted to it.

Maslow can often provide a ground floor to work from, especially when we try to determine what set of needs our target audience likely needs fulfilled. "Man is a perpetually wanting animal" Maslow writes, and yet we need to establish which of the needs we think are already satisfied, at least partially, in our target audience. Then we can determine which of the "unsatisfied" needs to focus on as we develop our campaign.

There is a vital point I glossed over when I first ran across Maslow in a simple "chart form". He indicates that only percentages of the needs are filled at any one time. Most people simply don't neatly fill each stage entirely, and then move up to the next stage.

This fact, that only a percentage of the needs are fulfilled at any time, allows us to craft unique, focused campaigns targeting multiple needs.

The next article will address specific applications in creating a marketing hypothetical campaign for a bank. For our campaign, we will use the concept of Duty (as part of the Esteem needs) and combine it with the Safety and Love needs.

Maslow is a fascinating read.

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Craig Lutz-Priefert is President of Marketing Hawks [http://www.marketinghawks.com], a firm providing complete marketing services to business. Craig also authors marketing advice on his blog, Funmarketer.

Marketing Hawks offers marketing services for businesses in financial services, health care, manufacturing, banking, direct marketing, insurance and legal services.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing

The term marketing implies the single goal of profit. It is categorized into two, direct marketing and indirect marketing and there is a significant line of difference between the two. Direct marketing is basically business from manufacturer to consumer without the involvement of middlemen, whoever it is. This is generally done by mailing the consumer or contacting him directly, so he can know about the products. The use of media advertisements is very limited and whatever little use is made includes only the demonstration of their products with call back numbers. Direct marketing is a boon and a bane, both in some respects:


- Direct marketing involves direct business. So it is cost beneficial for consumers, as there is no price hike due to wholesalers or retailers.
- Marketing executives can state certainly of the exact response to their products.
- The profit or loss can be more accurately judged.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing


- Sometimes, direct mailing offends the customers and many do not endorse it as they say it inhibits their private lives.

But most marketing managers are in support of this kind of business. The various forms in which direct business is made are:

- Direct mailing: Here, paper mails are sent to the selected groups of people, who likely to give positive response e.g. the paper mails of latest food processor is sent to all homes where house wives are resident so that immediate response is seen. Also CDs can be used as demonstrating media.

- Email Marketing: Here, emails are sent to all the selected customer categories with repeated intervals of time. But most of these are put into trash and spams. So the effectiveness of this form cannot be predicted.

- Telemarketing: In telemarketing, calls are made directly to the consumers and the concerned product is advertised. People sit at call centers to sell products on behalf of their clients. But this form of direct business is quite unpopular and most people oppose the uninvited calls. It was initially made illegal but later on new laws were re-enforced and calls are now made only to those who don't mind them.

- Voicemail: Telemarketing created a lot of consumer opposition and consumers would abuse the ones advertising on the phones. In order to avoid this, voicemail marketing was introduced, wherein; the entire advertisement is digitally recorded and presented.

- Use of coupons: Coupons are attached to direct mails and sent to the consumers. These generally advertise and give cost benefit to the consumers. So they avail these coupons and respond fast.

- Television marketing: Advertisements are given on the television and demos are with toll-free call back numbers or certain websites for the consumer to get in touch with the manufacturers.

- Broadcast faxing: This is the least popular form of direct marketing. The ads are directly faxed to the consumers.

Direct marketing can thus become successful only if the entanglements with the consumer are good. It can be B2B or B2C. It measures exact consumer response.

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James Copper is a writer for http://www.capsco.co.uk

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Marketing 101: 5 Direct Marketing Tips

Marketing is one of the most complex aspects of any business and getting it right can be tricky. Direct marketing is one of a host of marketing tools that can be very effective if done well but this is often easier said than done. So here are some direct marketing tips to help you get your direct marketing campaign on track.

Tip 1 Decide who you are going to target and which media you are going to use

Knowing who your ideal customer is means you can target your campaign well. It is also extremely important to decide early on whether your campaign is going to be by direct mail, telephone, newspaper or magazine ad?

Marketing 101: 5 Direct Marketing Tips

Tip 2 Always do a test campaign

Seasoned marketers advise that a test campaign is a must whether you are just starting out or have done a number of direct marketing campaigns before. This is one of the lesser known direct marketing tips. A test campaign helps you minimize risk but most importantly since you will be keeping records of what you do and the responses you receive it will provide valuable information about your customers allowing you to build a database and fine tune your campaign to generate high responses and get maximum conversions.

Tip 3 Develop benchmarks

Ascertain what the usual response and conversion rates are for the media you are going to use for your direct marketing campaign as they can range from 5% to 40 or 50%. This piece of research can help you make realistic projections and prepare yourself mentally and financially should you not get the amount of responses you wanted. The aim here is to minimize failure. Proper preparation means your campaign may be better than average and may beat the odds.

Tip 4 Be civil and polite

Whether your campaign is in writing or via telephone always be civil and polite to your potential customers. Being rude and offensive, mispronouncing names or spelling them wrong can alienate customers.

Tip 5 Make sure your customers know they are valued

If you're operating from a list of clients who have purchased products or services from you before little things like birthday or holiday greetings and special discounts go a long way to letting them know they a valued and can increase the likelihood that they would purchase from you again. They are also more likely to recommend your business to their friends or relatives who may be looking for similar products or services.

If you're operating with a brand new list or cold calling a free gift for responding or placing an order can make a difference between success and failure. This goodwill gesture need not be expensive but it can set you apart from your competitors, after all everyone loves receiving gifts and feeling valued.

This is one of the best direct marketing tips that you can incorporate into your campaign strategy and one that could increase response rates considerably and give you maximum conversions for your efforts.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

It Works Marketing Review - Body Wraps, Compensation, and MORE (It Works!)

The It Works Global Story

If you're searching for a comprehensive overview of the It Works Global opportunity... you've found it! Established in 2001, It Works Global is a complete health & wellness company based out of Grand Rapids, Michigan and directed by CEO, Mark Pentecost.

The It Works natural product line ranges from herbal supplements to skin care and body slimming applicators. Distributors all across the globe have caught the vision and within only 5 years of operation, the organization realized a goal that many never experience - the freedom of being a debt-free company.

It Works Marketing Review - Body Wraps, Compensation, and MORE (It Works!)

Their flagship product, which is responsible for much of their success, is the Ultimate Body Applicator. Scientist & Product Development Specialist, Luis Mujares, created the product over 20 years ago in his pursuit to cure skin cancer.

During his research, he found that as the skin was healed, it became tighter, toner and much more firm. These botanical ingredients were then bottled up and sold exclusively to cruise line ships and high-end spas.

In 2001, It Works Global bought out the rights and the product has since been featured on ABC, CNN, Opportunity World Magazine and at the Oscar and Emmy gift suites.

So... Does The "It Works Wrap" Really Work?

When I was first introduced to the concept of a body wrap - I rolled my eyes. But, in April of this past year, I attended an Expo in Cincinnati where I saw the It Works Global team wrapping expo participants and visitors of the American Massage Therapy Association.

I saw over 100 people wrapped that day, and never have I experienced such genuine excitement from strangers-all in one place. While I don't know any of those people on a personal basis, I do know that many of those people came back from that expo with a bit of themselves missing from their waistline.

So, needless to say, I started to believe that this wrap, and this company had something incredible going on...

How Does The "It Works Wrap" Work?

As a person becomes increasingly overweight, they don't get more and more fat cells... the ones they have just grow larger. The reason these fat cells expand is due to the excess of toxins. Clients are encouraged to drink lots of water in order for these toxins to be flushed out.

A typical side effect after the use of a single 45 minute application is a tighter, more toned, measured area! (not bad for an hour of relaxing... )

The wrap is then discarded, but the ingredients have already penetrated to the deeper layers of the skin. Measurements are checked again 72 hours later, since results are also progressive. (In other words, there may be more results over the course of 3 days.)

How Do You Get Paid With It Works?

The It Works compensation plan is unilateral and has 6+ levels of pay you can earn, depending on your status in the company. You'll make 15% on all distributors and loyal customers you directly enroll.

During an expo, party or gathering, you'll also make instant retail profits from any wraps or supplements sold at that time. Commission checks which are a result of your organization's growth are also paid out on the 15th of every month.

Here's a brief snapshot of the commission payouts:

Distributor= 15% - personally enrolled or 10% (on first level), 10% (on second level)
Executive= Same as above plus 5% (on third level)
Ruby= Same as above plus 5% (on fourth level)
Emerald= Same as above plus 5% (on fifth level) and 2% on sixth level and beyond
Diamond & Above= Same as above plus LOTS of leadership bonuses (aka - "license to make money")

Bonuses available to all distributors:

Fast start bonus: Every time you sign up a new distributor and help them get 2 loyal customers within their first 30 days, you get 0 cash! This is paid out on a weekly basis on Fridays (you don't have to wait until your monthly check to get it).
"Car" Bonus: No, you don't get a "car" but you sure could finance one with 0 a month once you get 60 loyal customers. The company will allow you as long as it takes to make this happen!
Wrap Rewards: Every time you gather 2 loyal customers, you have the opportunity to purchase a box of wraps (4 in a box) for just .95. (Retail price: .00) You can easily see the quick potential to earn some additional income here!

What Can You Expect With It Works Global?

There are numerous training materials offered to the It Works Global team. These include: webinars, live chat, weekly conference calls, online training videos, up-line support, boot camps, and the annual It Works Global conference. The resources available to you as a new distributor to become successful are plentiful.

What Makes It Works Different From Other Opportunities?

It Works offers consumable products that are vital to health and wellness. That means people will keep coming back for more. This is the difference between selling something people want vs. selling something people need.
It Works Global provides a unique, first-to-market product - the Ultimate Body Applicator. There is nothing else like it on the market.
The possibilities of the target audience are substantial. People fall into two categories: those who are healthy and those who are not. Either way - you have their attention. These products help maintain good health but also promote a positive change in lifestyle for those who are not where they want to be.
Unlike other network marketing programs, you are not limited to home parties and gatherings. You could obtain distributors and customers through advertising to salons, spas, gyms, expos and by utilizing online tools.
There is a major difference between the It Works model and that of direct sales. With networking, you build up residual income, which will work for you even when you are not working. Obviously, you'll make the most of this opportunity when you are engaged yourself, but there is also a great reward for training others and that shows up in your paycheck.

How Do You Join?

To become a Distributor and obtain the rights to sell the entire product line, you'll need to purchase a distributor kit at . The basic kit contains wraps, an assortment of sales aides, distributor/customer order forms and a business building DVD.

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My husband and I were able to quit our full-time careers (in Psychology and Aerospace) because of our It Works Global business.

If you'd like to find out the secret to our success, and join our rapidly growing team... check out: "It Works" Review

P.S. The price of the 9 distributor kit occasionally changes, and we have tips to help you SAVE, so it's best to contact us before joining!:)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Strategic Vs Tactical Marketing

Understanding that there is a distinct difference between strategic marketing and tactical marketing will aid any marketer in their development of a solid marketing plan. If you are like me and used to be a good Direct Mail or traditional Brick-and-Mortar marketing professional than you may be offended by what I am about to tell you. If you read this introduction with an open mind, you may just find that what I am about to say is true and has been for years.

There are two types of marketing:

1. Strategic Marketing and

Strategic Vs Tactical Marketing

2. Tactical Marketing

Strategic marketing has to do with What you Say, How you Say it and Who you Say it To. In other words, it's the content of your marketing message.

Tactical marketing is the execution of your strategic marketing plan as far as generating leads, placing media, creating marketing tools and implementing a follow-up system. In other words, it's the medium your message is delivered in.

How Big Is The Distinction Between Strategic and Tactical Marketing?

The distinction between strategic and tactical marketing is huge. Most people mistakenly assume that when you talk about marketing that you're automatically talking about Tactical Marketing such as:

* Placing ads

* Lead generation

* Creating brochures

* Sending out mailers

* Attending trade shows

* implementing a follow-up system

They fail to realize that the strategic side of the equation:

What you Say

How you Say it

Who you Say it To

- is almost always more important than the marketing medium where you say it. To succeed as an Internet Marketer, a thorough understanding of this difference is crucial.

The basic definition of good communication is:

* Have something good to say

* Say it well

* Say it often

The best marketing and advertising in the world can not make a bad company good. Oh it may generate some attention and make some advertising agency a lot of money or win them an award (Pets.com), but saying something good about a company that can not execute what it claims is a recipe for failure.

A traditional advertising agency will use the C&R method of marketing Creativity and Repetition tries to capitalize on some creative ad using something that is unusual or exciting and then blast it all over the world using TV, Bill boards, newspapers, magazines, etc. in an attempt to build "Brand" awareness.

It is my hope that by reviewing this website and some of the articles you find here, you will begin to realize that there is a very specific strategic approach to internet marketing and begin to use some new methods in the way you approach internet marketing After all, where else can you create a headline, and ad or an offer and get feedback on its effectiveness within hours?

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Joe Cavell has been a marketer and business development coach for 30 years. He is the owner of Marketing Innovations LLC, a consulting firm in New Jersey and has taught marketing seminars at Kean University and various business events.
Visit his Success Tips Blog
Marketing tips can be found at http://www.SuccessTips4U.com

Friday, November 30, 2012

ACN MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

ACN, Inc, is a network marketing company that provides consumers low cost telephone service, internet, wireless service, as well as digital and video phones. They have built themselves into a well-known MLM company, and claim to be the worlds largest direct seller of communication products.

ACN has also gained much attention for their income opportunity, and there are some very real concerns about starting or participating in an ACN business. In this article, we will go through and give an unbiased review of the pros and cons of doing an ACN business, and see if ACN is a great business opportunity...or a great scam.

1. ACN - The Good

ACN MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

ACN was founded in 1993 by Greg Provenzano, Robert Stevanovski, Mike Cupisz, and tony Cupisz. They operate in 19 countries and have over 1,000 employees worldwide. The company itself has a pretty simple product line - low-cost telecommunication service, internet service (DSL, broadband, and dial-up) and other basic wireless services. They have experienced double-digit growth for the past few years, and claim to reap 0m in revenue annually. One of the more notable achieve of ACN is that they have gotten Donald Trump to publicly endorse them as a great business opportunity. So far, so good.

2. ACN - The Bad

Whether or not ACN is a good business opportunity, it is clear that Mr. Trump has no intention of starting an ACN business. Additionally, making RVP or SVP (the top positions in ACN) take considerably more work than finding 3 people...who find 3 people...who find 3 people...etc. etc.

The theory of growing an ACN business is that the representative will simply find a few people who are already using telecom service, and switch over to ACN because of the income opportunity. The picture is painted that the distributor can be paid off everyone in their neighborhood who has a telephone...which is most everyone. The problem comes with a marketing concept called positioning.

3. ACN - The Ugly

ACN, like many other MLM's, teach their distributors to leverage their "warm market", friends and family. However, when a new distributor comes talking to their friends and family about making a tremendous income with a business opportunity...and the distributor is not making any money...there is a credibility issue that occurs, and the distributor is positioned as a gopher for someone else's business.

Growing an ACN business can be a great opportunity. They appear to have a good service, but there are plenty of companies that have great products, and many people that market great products never make a dime. There are also plenty of terrible products that generate millions of dollars in revenue (anyone remember the pet rock?) The difference is the marketer, and their ability to target their market effectively.

In closing, I would say that starting and developing an ACN business is lucrative if you know how to effectively use the telephone, the Internet, and other effective marketing tools. It is not a scam, but like any business, success will be determined by the skill-set of the marketer. ACN is definitely not a lottery ticket or a stock option - meaning, you do not just buy in and wait for a payout.

If someone does not have the first clue on how to market effectively, then I would suggest they either learn how to be an effective marketer, or else just use ACN as a way to save a few bucks on your phone bill.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks.

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Joshua Fuson is a professional marketer, and has marketed dozens of different products and services. He has participated in the generation of over million dollars of revenue in network marketing in past 4 years alone. To find out how, you can go... here

To learn more about growing an ACN business, you can go to The ACN Success Blueprint

Monday, November 26, 2012

ACN Inc Review - Can Direct Selling Telecommunications Push ACN to the Top?

ACN Inc, self proclaimed to be the world's largest direct selling telecommunications company operates in twenty countries across three continents. So if you are a network marketer in US, Europe or Asia Pacific, you would have definitely come across the opportunity to earn money as a distributor of this company's products. Whether you're an aspiring rep or already working as one in ACN Inc, you'll definitely find the following information useful to strengthen your income and get to be one of the top earners in this company. First, let's glance at the background of the company and then explore the income opportunity to find out how best to make money from ACNinc.

· ACN Inc - What's it about?

Four entrepreneurs, Greg Provenzano, Robert Stevanovski, Mike Cupisz and Tony Cupisz founded this company in Farmington Hills, Michigan in 1993 to offer local and long distance telephones, internet, wireless, satellite TV with DirecTV and Home Security. These products and services are sold through Multilevel Marketing, i.e, by hiring representatives to market products and recruit more distributors. This company claims to be different from other MLMs by offering reps a residual income for the work done.

ACN Inc Review - Can Direct Selling Telecommunications Push ACN to the Top?

· What is Residual income?

As a distributor for ACN, your commission is a percentage on your customer's usage value depending on the level in which you're placed. You earn a residual income for your service, that is, you earn money for as long as the customer uses the product. So once you've closed a deal, your client just has to use the service you've sold to allow you to earn. Tempting? Think again!

· Criticisms

If the income opportunity was really as lucrative as advertised, why should there be just a lukewarm response to this opening? Here are the reasons -

1. The payout offered is minimal. This is to enable the company to survive amidst heavy competition. This is hardly enough to get you more than a few hundred dollars a year.

2. You'll have to make an investment of 9 to join.

3. Though you get a commission based on your customer's usage, it's payable only when the minimum usage is 000.

4. As a previous employee pointed out, you earn more in ACNinc by recruiting people than by selling products.

5. The company trains you to target your "warm market", that is, friends and relatives to do your business. In a few days, you'll find that this market is not warm anymore. It gets embarrassing when people start avoiding you to escape the inevitable meetings and parties you'd otherwise take them to.

· So where does this leave us?

Don't lose hope. These criticisms don't mean ACN Inc is a wasted venture. In fact, there are lots of success stories within this Company in its life span of 15 years.

To be truly successful, you need go beyond the usual and tap your customer base innovatively. Project yourself to a global audience and reach people who are outside your warm market. The secret to this is going online. Is there a network that's larger than the internet? Get people to approach you with bookings. Adopt a new approach to marketing and conduct your business in style using the best tools in the net.

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Lawrence Tam has brought the best out of hundreds of Internet Marketers by helping them create wealth for their own network marketing business. Success in any network marketing business is built with knowing the secrets to online marketing like Facebook/MySpace, Twitter, Classifieds and many more. Get your F-R-E-E training mastering these marketing methods and many others at: Sponsor More In ACN Inc Online.

If you are serious about your future, you will want to go find out what really is the best ' MLM Opportunity '.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Integrated Marketing Communications - 5 Primary Communication Tools

Communication is always one of the most important and vital strategic areas of an organization's success. You can have the best or most innovative products or services, but if your internal and external communications are weak, then the demand for your products or services raises a personal flag of concern. When communicating the value of your products or services, you want to focus on how they will benefit your clients.

When planning your strategy for Integrated Marketing Communication or IMC, you want to have dialogue with your customers by inviting interaction through the coordinated efforts of content, timing and delivery of your products or services. By ensuring direction, clarity, consistency, timing and appearance of your messages, conveyed to your targeted audience, these factors will help avoid any confusion about the benefits of your brand, through the connection of instant product recognition.

When looking at your marketing mix, you're examining price, distribution, advertising and promotion, along with customer service. Integrated marketing communication is part of that marketing mix included in your marketing plan. IMC strategies define your target audience, establishes objectives and budgets, analyzes any social, competitive, cultural or technological issues, and conducts research to evaluate the effectiveness of your promotional strategies.

Integrated Marketing Communications - 5 Primary Communication Tools

If companies are ethically planning, communicating, and following industry guidelines, they will most likely earn the trust of their customers and target audience. There are five basic tools of integrated marketing communication:

1. Advertising:
This tool can get your messages to large audiences efficiently through such avenues as radio, TV, Magazines, Newspapers (ROP), Internet, Billboards and other mobile technological communication devices. This method can efficiently reach a large number of consumers, although the costs may be somewhat expensive.

2. Sales Promotion:
This tool is used through coupons, contests, samples, premiums, demonstrations, displays or incentives. It is used to accelerate short-term sales, by building brand awareness and encouraging repeat buying.

3. Public Relations:
This integrated marketing communications tool is initiated through public appearances, news/press releases or event sponsorships, to build trust and goodwill by presenting the product, company or person in a positive light.

4. Direct Marketing:
This tool will utilized email, mail, catalogs, encourage direct responses to radio and TV, in order to reach targeted audiences to increase sales and test new products and alternate marketing tactics.

5. Personal Selling:
Setting sales appointments and meetings, home parties, making presentations and any type of one-to-one communication, to reach your customers and strengthen your relationship with your clients, initiate this IMC tool.

Decisions linking the overall objectives and strategies during the marketing planning phases help to evaluate and fine-tune the specific activities of integrated marketing communication. Before selecting an IMC tool, marketing, product and brand managers must look at social, competitive, legal, regulatory, ethics, cultural and technological considerations. One thing you want to avoid when activating the tools of integrated marketing communication is reaching inappropriate audiences and causing controversy. That could be damaging when trying to build brand awareness and encourage consumer spending with your company. When marketing managers examine the beliefs, emotions and behavior of their targeted audience towards their brand, they can influence their beliefs to achieve product awareness, by attracting attention to their promotional campaigns.

Integrated Marketing Communications - 5 Primary Communication Tools
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Kym Gordon Moore is a Creative Marketing Strategist and Public Relations Administrator for Moore 2 It Productions, a firm dedicated to coordinating cost-effective, creative strategic marketing packages for new small businesses and newly published authors. http://www.moore2itproductions.com She is the author of "Diversities of Gifts: Same Spirit," Co-Founder of Favorite Things for a CAUSE, a member of the American Marketing Association, American Authors Association and the North Carolina Writer's Network. http://www.kymgmoore.com

Monday, November 19, 2012

3 Door to Door Sales Tips For Better Selling

Door to door sales is a tough business involving a lot of walking, talking and what turns most people off; Rejection. Being rebuffed time after time after time can really make this type of selling very hard and if you are the kind of sales person that thrives on success they may be so few and far between that this becomes depressing and not worthwhile. There are many door to door sales tips and tricks used by great sales people but the real building blocks for success come from motivation, planning and persistence.

1. Motivation Tips

Staying motivated from street to street, door to door and day to day is an ongoing challenge. It is said this sort of sales is just a numbers game, the more you knock the more chances you have to get a sales and while this is true it is only a part of the truth. If you knock unsuccessfully for too long it can get to you and the next call you will not be as lively or persuasive, having high motivation and energy throughout the day is essential for being persuasive and making each call count. The first thing you must do is not take any rejection personally, you are in an industry where you are selling to people who are not actively looking for your product and do not know you are coming, the conversion rate of sales is very low and you must expect this. Just think that every unsuccessful call has enabled you to get to the next call that may be a winner quicker! Another way to stay motivated is to keep track of sales but do not keep track of unsuccessful calls, only focus on positives not negatives and you will find success comes more easily, celebrate each sale, revel in it and stay on top of your game!

3 Door to Door Sales Tips For Better Selling

2. Planning Tips

While this may be a numbers game not all calls are equal so the adage of more is better is somewhat false. Good planning and research can help you to find the most profitable calls to focus on instead of just calling on whatever doors come your way. That also being said too much planning and too little calling is also a recipe for disaster. Choose your locations well for your products, some areas simply will not generate the same sales as other due to demographics. Also the time of day you call is important, calling at the wrong time can lead to a wasted call. You must strike a balance between numbers and quality of calls for a good sales conversion rate.

3. Persistence Tips

Persistence can be a double edged sword; I was once told that the difference between a good sales person and a great sales person is persistence. However later I learned that the difference between a great sale person and an annoying harasser is but small degrees apart. While you must be persistent in sales there is also the danger of following dead end too far and wasting time. If there is no chance of a sale why continue to try to make them come around? If you are pressing too hard you simple put people off, the art of listening is more important in this situation or even just giving up. That right, persisting when the outcome will not change is not good! If you apply your persistence where it can get results you will go far but you must prioritise calls and customers quickly or be stuck in dead end avenues. Having more time for more calls can often yield better results than simply trying not to take no for an answer! Remember that door to door sales is about quality and quantity, sticking with a low quality call means you have no quality and you are missing out on more quantity!

There are heaps of other small tips you can use from your opening to your closing to overall door to door coverage. Keep in mind these overall concepts for running your territory and you will be able to increase your overall sales however and more door to door sales tips will come to you in the process of your work!

3 Door to Door Sales Tips For Better Selling
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